
Welcome to my blog. I’m here to share about my experiences since moving from Michigan to Alberta!

The First Month.

The First Month.

It's been just about a month since we arrived in Calgary and what a month it has been. We were fortunate enough to live in a furnished apartment temporarily until we could get access to our house and our stuff arrived. It was a super cute apartment on the west side of the city called Five West. We were on the 22nd floor and Copper LOVED looking out the tall windows and down at the people outside. It was cozy with a small fireplace too. The only downside to being in an apartment on the 22nd floor with two mid-sized dogs is having to take them outside. It was literally a 20-minute process just to take them to go to the bathroom and is pretty much impossible to do alone. Not only do they wrap their leashes around your legs as you walk but Copper has so much energy that he pulls forward and Ella just moseys along behind you without any place to be. I especially loved this on days I opted to work from home instead of going to a coffee shop.....(insert eye roll emoji here).

We were told our stuff could take up to 22 days to arrive from Michigan to Calgary so with that math—factoring in the holidays, it should have arrived the weekend of the 10th. We had to give 2 weeks' notice to the apartment complex and honestly we just really wanted to move to the house so the dogs could have their fenced in backyard and we could have some space. We packed up our stuff and moved into the house on Thursday, January 9th and we knew we'd have to sleep on an air mattress for a day or two, but it wasn't that big of a deal given we'd be out of the small apartment. Well that Friday, we heard from the relocation company that our stuff was delayed for a week and wouldn't arrive until Friday the 17th. Ok...no biggie. It sucks but no biggie. We knew we could handle a week and we'd just explore the city or something. But that's when the cold weather set in...

Our living room for two weeks….

Our living room for two weeks….

For an entire week, we had the pleasure of enduring -20 degrees fahrenheit temps which meant not going outside for long periods of time. We decided that first weekend in the house we'd check out some of the local breweries to keep us busy and warm. We went to Cabin Brewing Company and Annex Ales and the beer was SO GOOD. It reminded us of Grand Rapids when the brewery scene was still new. Only a few beers on tap and the set up was in a warehouse. It was super fun! We also discovered the Skip the Dishes app (essentially Uber Eats) which is VERY dangerous when you live so close to restaurants but it's too cold to go out and get food.

My car hadn't arrived yet so I got a rental. I sought out a couple of coffee shops to get some work done—and get out of the house—as well as a new yoga spot! I'm so happy I found a hot yoga studio where everyone is SO NICE and welcoming. The first place I checked out in the city by our apartment was not that way. Hot Shop Yoga has many different types of hot yoga and they play music during class. Each class is never the same which is amazing because I'm much more focused on myself rather than what's happening in the outside world—which has been a lot lately. I've been trying to go as much as possible and it's definitely helping me feel better and less stressed.

It finally decided to warm up last weekend as the chinook (warm winds that come over the mountains) came in so we ventured out of the house. Oh yeah, we found out our stuff got delayed AGAIN because the driver's truck broke down and wouldn't be here until Wednesday the 22nd so we had some unanticipated free time. We decided to go up to Lake Louise for their Ice Magic Festival and decided to not bring the dogs since we just needed a bit of a break from them. There had been ice sculpture competitions up at the lake so we walked around, drank some hot rum and cider, roasted a marshmallow by the fire and walked on the lake. It was seriously so cool seeing people ice skating and walking on the lake that has been so blue just a few months ago when we were here on vacation. I was told that you have to see Lake Louise (and Moraine) in both summer and winter because the experience is so much different—they were right. It's honestly just as magical in the winter but a very different vibe. The pine trees were beautifully covered in snow and a light dusting was coming down that made you feel like you were in a snow globe.

The next day we took the dogs out for a hike. They're still getting their mountain climbing legs, and Ella really can't do too much hiking, so we decided to check out Jura Canyon in Canmore. The trail wasn't well marked and walking through the canyon (which is essentially the frozen river) was super dangerous and people almost fell in. I felt uneasy about the hike so we moved down the road to Grotto Canyon which was an easy—and beautiful—2.5 mile hike. The dogs appreciated being outside and we appreciated the warmth and the sun!

Hiking the Grotto Canyon Trail

Hiking the Grotto Canyon Trail

Our stuff got delayed ONE MORE DAY but finally did arrive on Thursday the 23rd. I'm so unbelievably thankful to have a couch, bed and my office. I can tell you that I'll never take them for granted ever again.

I've had a tough time the past few weeks working remotely without a routine and without the things that make me feel at home. I knew this would be an adjustment but I didn't realize how much I'd miss being able to go into the office whenever I want to and getting face time with my family, friends, and co-workers. I actually am trying out a coworking space called The Commons so I can start networking here and have a place to go work that gives me a community and helps me feel less lonely. I will say that having our stuff here is definitely making the house feel like home. For a bit there, I felt like we were on this weirdly long vacation since I'm still working for Herman Miller and tied so closely to Michigan.

Sunrise from our deck last week

Sunrise from our deck last week

Although January 2020 has been less than ideal for many reasons—some I prefer not to share via this blog, I'm thankful to live in a place that allows me to have city life and outdoor life right at my fingertips. The city is gorgeous and clean and there's actually a ton to do in Calgary! I've fallen in love with the area just north of the city called Kensington. We went there for dinner the other night to Hayden Block BBQ and it was SO GOOD. The area is so cute and quaint. We also have the benefit of being only a 45-minute drive to the mountains! I've been feeling a little off here, but every time we drive out to the mountains, it reminds me of how lucky we are to be here and get to experience this lifestyle and the culture of Canada.

The view from the old tea house on Lady MacDonald. You can’t tell but our legs feel like jello from the climb…

The view from the old tea house on Lady MacDonald. You can’t tell but our legs feel like jello from the climb…

I love the feeling when you’re as tall as the mountains

I love the feeling when you’re as tall as the mountains

Summer is going to be incredible and we can't wait for visitors. Those of you wanting to camp/hike, let us know soon because campsites fill quickly! Need a little convincing? Keep following me on social media. I think I'll have you convinced in no time that Calgary is a great vacation spot :)

Be afraid and do it anyway. A piece of me is afraid every day that I’m here. Not in that I’m scared but that there’s still so much unknown for us and our future. I find comfort in the climb because the view is worth more than any money or material o…

Be afraid and do it anyway. A piece of me is afraid every day that I’m here. Not in that I’m scared but that there’s still so much unknown for us and our future. I find comfort in the climb because the view is worth more than any money or material objects. It’s God, it’s nature, it’s amazing.

xo, Stef

Life is a Whirlwind.

Life is a Whirlwind.

Our Trip to Calgary.

Our Trip to Calgary.