A Minor Speed Bump.
The last (almost) month threw me for more loops than I could wrap my head around. Although I've come up against obstacles in my life that have knocked me off of my feet, this one really had me spinning.
Over the last 4.5 years, I worked so hard at Herman Miller to build relationships and advance my expertise in the area of marketing. This hard work landed me a job that I knew was in a field that I wanted to be doing in some capacity long term. A career in social media marketing is a wild ride of ups and downs, but when you run it from a business perspective, you're always learning something new and helping educate others. I loved working for Herman Miller. Amazing benefits, amazing people, amazing products. What more can you ask for? Well, when you realize you're at the ceiling in your role and there's nowhere else for you to go in order to grow and develop, it means it's time to move on.
I spent a couple of months applying and interviewing with A LOT of rejections. Job hunting is not for the faint of heart and for all of you out there still searching after being laid off in the spring due to COVID, my positive vibes are heading your way. I interviewed with a company in the fitness industry (not going to drop names, because honestly, it's whatever at this point) that had a social media manager role they were hiring for on their team. I would lead their social media, grow my own team, and get to travel often to a location full of hiking opportunities. DREAM GIG. Every person I interviewed with was so chill and so passionate about their work and the company. It all felt right. I made sure to let them know I'm temporarily living in Canada but also have a Michigan address for tax purposes. I was reassured that it wouldn't be a problem at all, so they moved forward with the offer.
I counter-offered and told my future boss that I'd be putting in my two weeks after the final offer came through and I accepted it. I was SO NERVOUS to talk to my current boss because it wasn't the best time to be leaving the already short-staffed team, but I couldn't pass up this opportunity. My start date was supposed to be September 8th, I had filled out all the paperwork and was just waiting for my laptop to arrive. During my last week at Herman Miller, I hadn't heard an update from the new company so I communicated with HR to make sure they had all they needed from me. I sent a note to my boss letting her know my start date might get pushed out because I'm going back and forth with HR. She told me that she was working with them to get everything figured out. Ok cool, no big deal.
Well, by Tuesday (the day after Labor Day) I hadn't gotten an update. By this time, I'm completely done with Herman Miller (but secretly hoping I'd get a week off in between jobs) so I was trying not to get too stressed out. I hadn't received any red flags, and I knew it might take longer to ship to Canada. My boss let me know she was still working with HR and legal to sort everything out. That Wednesday night I received a meeting invite with HR and my boss—for only 15 minutes. I thought that was odd since we were communicating about everything via email. I hopped on the call Thursday morning to be met by just one person from HR who told me they had to rescind the offer because of where I live...
It took everything inside of me to not break down on that video call. I told her that I had informed everyone I talked to throughout the interview process that I was temporarily living in Canada, and they said it was fine because I had a Michigan address. She asked me who I told that to. I was floored. How does HR not know who's interviewing candidates????? My red flag should have been the fact I didn't have an interview with anyone from HR, but I figured they would do their due diligence and tell HR since I BROUGHT IT UP MULTIPLE TIMES.
I saw this quote literally the day after I lost the job offer. Hits home for me in so many ways.
So here I am, unexpectedly unemployed. It's been over a week since I got the news, so I've had time to process, hang out with my dogs, and really just take some well needed time for myself. I'm thankful that James and I are in a good place financially so I don't have to scramble to find a new job. I'm also thankful for all of the support I've received from those I've told. Your kind and encouraging words have kept my head above water and helped remind myself that I will land on my feet and will overcome this minor speed bump in life. I've already started applying to jobs and networking with some of my professional connections. Luckily, I'm also surrounded by entrepreneurs at my co-working space I can also tap into here in Calgary.
Lastly, I guess the silver lining in all of this, I finally get to go home after nine months. James and I decided that now is probably the best time to make the trip home because I have the free time and who knows what the future holds for international travel. Hopefully, the next time I write I'll be refreshed after an amazing trip home to see friends and family and I'll be back to work—in whatever capacity that might look like.
xo, Stef